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What Is Event Speaker Timer?

Event Speaker Timer is a time management app that helps you organize and consolidate your time for any seminar or conference.
Event Speaker Timer provides the
ability to create custom presets
for any individual, future event,
or repeating event.
Event Speaker Timer is your
go to time management
application for any speech, presentation, show, seminar, conference, etc.
Clock Timer
Manual Input Controls
Use a keyboard to input time, then press Set to confirm or Reset to start over
Sends Clock Timer to external display
Sends Computer Clock to external display
Only displays minutes and seconds
(Hours must be set to "00")
Change external display background
Select Custom Presets
Custom Events Time Indicator

Displays time in hours,
minutes, and seconds
Use up and down arrow buttons to input time
Option to count up or down
Adjust font manually
Automatically sizes font to screen (recommended)
Change Background Color
Change Font Color
Load Background Image
Create Custom Presets
Event Description

Let us know what you think!
Help us improve Event Speaker Timer Pro, leave us your feedback or report any bugs or issues you have experienced.
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